shoes from heaven

My significant other and I have a lot in common. In fact, I used to call him the male me. One place where our interests diverge however, is an enthusiasm for fashion. He is perfectly satisfied with Dickies, flannels, and Rebel 8 t-shirts every day(which actually works really well for him.) But, because he's a cool ass dude, he tries to take an interest in what interests me. The other day he asked me, "If you could buy any expensive shoe in the world, what would it be?"


I believe I said something about it being too hard to choose but that I was currently lusting after Giuseppe Zanotti's wedge boots:

(Angular perfection!)

or maybe those Jimmy Choo's that light up with every step you take:

(at rest)

(in motion)
...because deep at heart I am extraordinarily tacky.

But then. I stumbled across these. They released the Acne Atacoma in blue! Like a year ago! I have NO idea how I slept on this!!!

AAAAHHHH! Heavenly.

Here they are in action:

I have the Jeffrey Campbell version of the black/silver ones, which I still pretty much live in, almost a year later. But shit, I'd pay the $600 for these beasts. Something about the colors...I just adore them!

1 comment:

  1. Those leopard print wedge boots are soooo delicious! <3

